灵魂竞技场Spirit Arena
Sweet Dreams Studio
As two sorcerers try to summon and tame powerful monsters from a secret realm, their experiment fails and leads waves of demons into our world. Strengthening their will, they decide to face this great threat and defeat the calamities that are now running free!
Spirit Arena is playable in a solo mode or as a local two-player game. Each character can fire either physical spells (red) or spiritual spells (blue) that will only collide with matching enemy. Clean waves, collect items, and increase your power to defeat the boss of all four areas.
Outsmart your ennemies!
Swap colors at the right time to adapt to the monsters
- Four worlds with four difficulty levels each
- 100+ items
- 2-player local co-op
- 9 playable characters
- Short gaming sessions (10-20 minutes)
- Lots of achievements!
- No microtransactions!
情报数据 公共
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